~A place called HEART~

-when REALITY meets FANTASY-


mereka antara yang paling rapat denganku
dan yang paling penting, kami bersahabat bukan atas dasar jawatan semata
persahabatan itu telah bertukar menjadi ikatan yang ikhlas, lahir dari hati
~aku sayang kamu semua~

aizat-along-ucu-me:)-hafsah-kak huda-acik-aman

~rasa ini~

sungguh, aku keliru
andai mampu untuk ku tafsirkan kata hati
mana menjadi pilihan

mengapa perlu hadir
andai itu cuma menyesakkan
memeningkan kepala
aduh, mengeluh kembali

duhai hati,
jika kau berani untuk memilih,
mampukah kau untuk menahan rasa sakit lagi?


i don't have any sister as in my family, i'm the only daughter that my parents have
well,enrolling at UiTM i instantly manage to have 4 younger sisters (wow,lucky me)
first is the cutest Maryam Fatanah,second one is Seri Nur Amira the good girl,3rd is the energetic Faten Naseha and the 4th one is the outspoken Anne..

kebetulan,kami semua ni duduk satu kolej.melayan kerenah diorang,pergh,kadang-kadang penat,tapi seronok.tak pernah aku lupa nak ketawa..hehe..ade2 aje bende yg nak dijadikan bahan lawak..lucu betul...

kebetulan,Maryam,Seri dan Seha ialah JPK(Jawatankuasa Perwakilan Kolej), so kalau dlm meeting formal tu pun sempat lagi nak curi2 ketawa.lucu sangat agaknya die tengok agenda meeting..ish3..kalau Maryam dan Seri masuk melawat aku pulak,mesti ade aje air die kat tgn..hah,aku pun ape lagi..'pow' la..seronok betul..hehe.

love them.. :)

Maryam and Seri telah diamanahkan untuk di letakkan dibawah jagaan Farha untuk memastikan Kolej Anggerik selamat dari gangguan mereka berdua (kesian Farha..ish3..)

Seha yang penuh dedikasi bercita-cita tinggi untuk menghabiskan degree nya dengan penuh bergaya.(tgn siapakah itu yg enterframe?)

Budak kecik ini pula sangat aktif di fakulti..selamat berkhidmat untuk PAM'S ye.. :)

i love the way Tyra Banks create the story mode of this reality TV show

it basically not about the BEAUTY itself

it is the new scope of beauty, you wear your attitude outside

you enhance your beauty by showing who you are

you be your own self, you won't simply copy other people

awkward and odd people also can sometimes OUTSHINE the lady-of-sweethearts

but not everyone who eligible to enter the contest are brilliant in term of the mind

i love to learn with this kind of people-it make me feel grateful for not being one of the them

the way all the trainers train the contestant is really mesmerizing

how they handle the girls which almost all of them have no BRAINS at all

really, i kept laughing looking at those stupid girls

sometimes they really don't have the idea of why they are entering the contest.shame~

to have the look only is not enough

and also being skinny won't guaranteed you to be successful in the industry 

what we called as a plus-size-model also can be a model-which will be such a release for all the big-body-structure-girls out there

for those who never watch america's next top model yet,maybe you can try after this

and don't forget to share your point of view with me




kisah mengenai seseorang...

DIA merupakan seorang yang kuat pegangan agamanya

DIA merupakan seorang yang petah berkata-kata
DIA merupakan seorang sahabat yang setia
DIA merupakan seorang yang mampu mengawal suasana

DIA adalah salah seorang yang paling aku hormat apabila melibatkan batas-batas pergaulan antara ADAM dan HAWA

DIA juga telah membuatkan aku hampir keliru antara perasaan kasih dan sayang pada sahabat atau lebih dari itu...

namun satu hari
aku dimaklumkan bahawa DIA telah dipunyai dan mempunyai 'seseorang'
DIA juga telah mengakuinya

terasa seperti ditampar;aku hampir menjadi marah
lelaki inilah yang telah mengajar kan aku tentang 'CINTA' dalam Islam.
CINTA yang hakiki.

CINTA yang sebenar.
tetapi mengapa engkau yang berkata-kata,tapi engkau juga yang memungkiri?
mengapa duniawi yang dikau pandang wahai sahabat?
kau telah serta-merta 'membunu
h' kepercayaanku serta pandangan positif ku padamu..

mengapa berbicara jika engkau tak mampu untuk memenuhi?
mengapa agama yang kau pegang,tapi akhirnya duniawi yang kau tuju?

duhai sahabat,aku tidak pernah menyalahkan kau untuk jatuh CINTA

tetapi kata-kata mu,sungguh,jauh terpesong dari apa yang kamu lakukan
sungguh,hati ini hampir membenci,maaf,jalan terbaik untuk kita cuma untuk tidak berhubung lagi

aku tidak memutuskan ikatan persahabatan ini kerana telah kita ikat ia dengan hati

setiap manusia juga melakukan kesalahan termasuk diri ku sendiri
maaf sekali lagi atas segalanya
aku doakan yang terbaik buat kamu...

~wahai LELAKI sekalian,aku bukan mencari yang SEMPURNA.~

1. Do you sleep with your closet doors open or closed?
open.to provide good air ventilation :)

2. Do you take the shampoos and conditioner bottles from hotel?
it smells so good i hardly can resists them...

3. Have you ever stolen a street sign before?
i rather stole tyra banks shoes

4. Do you like to use post-it notes?
i love to buy it but i rarely use as i love to directly write on my lecture notes

5. Do you cut out coupons but then never use them?
if the coupons are to use at the shopping mall,i rarely waste it

7. Would you rather be attacked by a big bear or a swarm of a bees?
i rather been attacked by a cat-meooww...-

8. Do you always smile for pictures?

9. Do you ever count your steps when you walk?
i usually count money

10. Do you chew your pens and pencils?
i chew on my nails though

11. How many people have you slept with this week?
only one.the-girl next bed~hazirah.

12. What size is your bed?
i dont know.but it is sponsored by UiTM for sure

13. Is it okay for guys to wear pink?
no problem as long as he is handsome enough to fit in the colour

14. Do you still watch cartoons?
which one?spongebob or mickey mouse?or maybe pooh?

15. Where would you bury hidden treasure if you had some?
dont know.i never have one

16. Last person you kissed/kissed you?
does cats count?-plenty of cats

17. Were you ever a boy/girl scout?
hate marching

18. Would you ever strip or pose nude in a magazine?

19. When was the last time you wrote a letter to someone on paper?
several days ago to hazirah saying that-zira,orang amik biskut awak tadi-

20. Are you lazy?
nope.~pemalas jek~

21. When you were a kid, what did you dress up as for Halloween?
i wear baju kurung on hari raya la...

22. How many languages can you speak?
3.-with a so-so french language

23. Occupations you wanted to be when you were a kid?
a supermodel-haiyo..shame~

24. Ever been in love?
in love with my self..fanatic~

25.Can you swim well?
Swimming class tak habis lagi ma...

26. Do you want to get married?
kalau ade org nak,ape salahnya kan..ngee~

27. Do you have kids?
yes.a teddy bear named buchuk

28. Do you miss anyone right now?
misses so many people right now~

29. Did you watch, Next Great American Band on FOX?
nope.i watch american next top model on my laptop

I walk along the street, crying my heart out.Why do i feel this way?And why me?I suffer through all the heartbreak.I've been tested continuously,blow by blow.It seem like it will never end.I seek guidance through God,i find comfort with the soothing advice from all of my true friend.I keep denying the truth,hoping that one day when i wake up,all this will only going to be a dream.The worst nightmare i ever have.I closed my eyes,and pray silently..

The clock ticking away..Stealing all the time that been borrowed to me.I wish i could get up,i wish i could face what been fated for me and i do wish i would have the courage to open my eyes..
One day,i learned that,truth will always been truth.I will never can change that.I have to move on,no matter what.With a broken heart that still bleeding,i get up and try to walk.Again,i fell down.

Help comes from some of the side walkers who concern about me.They teach me to walk again,properly this time.I rebuild my life,i pick up the shattered pieces,i fill up the missing jigsaw..

I know this is just the right time where i need to close the door behind me...The end of my past..
I make the decision to stay alive.I'm saying goodbye to yesterday.Deep in my heart,i just know i can..I keep breathing,hoping to find a new sunlight in my life.Sometimes,fate just cant stop meddling.But i believe in the promise that been taught to me by all of the people:


aku manusia biasa

setiap hari aku belajar untuk menjadi LUAR BIASA
perjuanganku menuntut kesabaran yang MAHA TINGGI
ya,kadang kala aku TERJATUH
hampir mengalah...

namun, setiap kali bertemu ranjau
liku,juram yang curam
aku akan sentiasa dibantu oleh seseorang yang ikhlas hati budinya
serta jujur dalam bicaranya

menghulurkan tangan tanpa diminta
semangat diapikan kembali untuk aku bangkit dan terus berusaha
membantu membukakan ruang yang sesak untuk bernafas
hatiku terpujuk dangan kata-kata semangat serta lawak jenaka yang tak pernah membuatkan ku kering gusi

balasan?tidak pernah sekali pun ditagih oleh mereka
aduhai kamu,tak mampu untuk kubalas jasa kalian
terima kasih atas segalanya
andai saja kamu tahu bahawasanya
kamu semualah penawar...



-ili nabilah-

-atiqah saadon-

-ain mat-



masih baru mengenali DUNIA

masih belajar erti HIDUP

masih singkat AKAL FIKIRAN

masih juga dibayangi dengan ANGAN-ANGAN...

About this blog

what is the hardest things in the world?~when you give up~

~HEARt is like a GLASS.it was made to be BROKEN~


About Me

My photo
I'm not really complicated and difficult to understand but really, you neither can judge me nor learn baut me from books,blogs or facebook alone.i can be nice, i can be bitchy.really, its part of me. I am not eunuch, thats for sure.(huhu) i'm living my own life, following my own way.i love to learn and that is the way how i improve my self.and last but not least, i'm easily forgive but not forget.well, i think you've got the message~do not mess with me~-

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