~A place called HEART~

-when REALITY meets FANTASY-


tidak kira lah siapa pun anda..

Pengurus Asrama/Yang Dipertua/Ketua Pegawai Pembangunan Pelajar/Pengarah/Majlis Perwakilan Pelajar/Jawatankuasa Perwakilan Kolej/Presiden Kelab/Urusetia/Fasilitator/etc

sentiasalah belajar untuk HORMAT orang lain...(macam lah aku konon masih muda tak akan dapat kalahkan jawatan ko yang konon besar tu 1 hari nanti kan...tak terkecuali orang bawahan ok..jangan berlagak konon kau pandai mengampu..)

But really, i learn something..jangan sekali-kali lupa diri..

Peace =)

~when you're gone~

OK fine.i'm done guessing..where are you actually?i'm looking for you (almost) everywhere.3 days,i'm living with staring at your facebook and hoping that you will update your profile. And also 3 days, i keep myself close to my handphone and hope that you will call. Or at least find your way into my inbox.

Owh God..if this is what they said as LOVE, really, I think I'm feeling it right now.. :(


Never say goodbye when you still want to try.
Never give up when you still feel you can take it.
Never say you don't love a person when you still can't let them go.

About this blog

what is the hardest things in the world?~when you give up~

~HEARt is like a GLASS.it was made to be BROKEN~


About Me

My photo
I'm not really complicated and difficult to understand but really, you neither can judge me nor learn baut me from books,blogs or facebook alone.i can be nice, i can be bitchy.really, its part of me. I am not eunuch, thats for sure.(huhu) i'm living my own life, following my own way.i love to learn and that is the way how i improve my self.and last but not least, i'm easily forgive but not forget.well, i think you've got the message~do not mess with me~-

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