I walk along the street, crying my heart out.Why do i feel this way?And why me?I suffer through all the heartbreak.I've been tested continuously,blow by blow.It seem like it will never end.I seek guidance through God,i find comfort with the soothing advice from all of my true friend.I keep denying the truth,hoping that one day when i wake up,all this will only going to be a dream.The worst nightmare i ever have.I closed my eyes,and pray silently..
One day,i learned that,truth will always been truth.I will never can change that.I have to move on,no matter what.With a broken heart that still bleeding,i get up and try to walk.Again,i fell down.
Help comes from some of the side walkers who concern about me.They teach me to walk again,properly this time.I rebuild my life,i pick up the shattered pieces,i fill up the missing jigsaw..
I know this is just the right time where i need to close the door behind me...The end of my past..
I make the decision to stay alive.I'm saying goodbye to yesterday.Deep in my heart,i just know i can..I keep breathing,hoping to find a new sunlight in my life.Sometimes,fate just cant stop meddling.But i believe in the promise that been taught to me by all of the people:

originally created by: NORHIDAYU MOHD SAH
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