Well,as the matter of fact,it took me almost the whole 7 months to finish reading this book. Its not because i'm lazy or simply forget that I own the half-read book (which sometimes I did) I merely being busy (or choose to be).
Ok, let me tell you. This book had exhilarating me to keep reading starting from its 1st page! Well Dan Brown, what i can say, this is one of the most marvelous piece of yours compared to all of the other title. Contrast to the Deception Point, the intro is damn boring, I almost put the book away until you start with the 'illuminating fluorescent microb underneath the ice' issue. And tell you what, it start just about at the half of the book! (well2,I believe I'm qualified enough to criticized your writing as I read all of your book except The Da Vinci Code).
Back to The Lost Symbol(TLS). It is HEAVIER than what i expected (the content). But to make it short, it is simply about Mala'kh who manipulating a professor of Cambridge, Robert Langdon into coming to Washington D.C whilst end up being threatened by Mala'kh who want him to decipher a code belong to the Mason's in return to save his old friend; Peter Solomon.
Ok, for those who might not yet read this book will interpret this merely equal to rubbish. Who is Mala'kh, Peter, and so on. To make it short, what Mala'kh trying to search is the lost Word. The Word which is believed by the Masons to be so powerful, it is written in a long lost language which only few of us might understand.
Know what happen. The Word is simply refer to
The Al-Quran (Islam)/Bible (Christian)/the Torah (Jews)/the Vedas (Hindus) etc
yes...the books of each religion
Do you realize I capitalized each of the word 'Word'? Well, the reason is so simple. The ancient refer the holy books as the Word. Word from God, the rules, the library of life. =)
See?beautiful is it? The Al-Quran is just in front of us. And yet, we still eager to write our own rules. As I read I comes up with the word Laus Deo, which means Praise God
-The word Laus Deo had been carved at the capstone of the tallest building at Washington D.C, the Washington monument
-There is an old law saying that there are no other taller building than Washington DC allowed to be build in the city (as the symbolic to put the God at the highest peak of the city)
-the word Armageddon means to unveil/reveal
- most of the powerful man in USA is Masons =)
-In the ancient, boiling temperature is 33 degree (our back spine is also consists of 33 'steps')
-Almost all the information inside the book is a FACT (doubt?try goggled or open encyclopedia) ^-^

p/s:one of the painting mention in the book which is in real life, can be seen at the ceiling of Washington Museum..
wah! hebat ayu dpt bace buku2 camni.. lau aku.. krohhh... thniah2.. nice review :)
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