i don't have any sister as in my family, i'm the only daughter that my parents have
well,enrolling at UiTM i instantly manage to have 4 younger sisters (wow,lucky me)
first is the cutest Maryam Fatanah,second one is Seri Nur Amira the good girl,3rd is the energetic Faten Naseha and the 4th one is the outspoken Anne..
kebetulan,kami semua ni duduk satu kolej.melayan kerenah diorang,pergh,kadang-kadang penat,tapi seronok.tak pernah aku lupa nak ketawa..hehe..ade2 aje bende yg nak dijadikan bahan lawak..lucu betul...
kebetulan,Maryam,Seri dan Seha ialah JPK(Jawatankuasa Perwakilan Kolej), so kalau dlm meeting formal tu pun sempat lagi nak curi2 ketawa.lucu sangat agaknya die tengok agenda meeting..ish3..kalau Maryam dan Seri masuk melawat aku pulak,mesti ade aje air die kat tgn..hah,aku pun ape lagi..'pow' la..seronok betul..hehe.
love them.. :)

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